Es casi seguro que la tasa de disminución aumentará, porque el manantial que ha alimentado las reservas internacionales desde 1971 - el déficit comercial de EE.UU. - es el objeto de la atención del Sr. Donald Trump
Trump asegura que los mexicanos vamos a pagar El Muro que separará a EU de México; sin embargo, el golpe mucho mayor de esta medida anti-económica será para EU mismo...
El presidente electo de EU, el señor Trump, no sabe lo que está haciendo al proponer medidas proteccionistas para alentar la reindustrialización de EU, y atraer de nuevo a casa, la industria americana que emigró a tierras extranjeras
El crecimiento de Reservas Internacionales que se dio por 43 años, ha cesado. A partir del 1 agosto de 2014, el crecimiento se ha tornado disminución, o sea, contracción de crédito en el mundo. Significa que el mundo que conocimos a partir de 1945, ha entrado en reversa y se contrae...
Si vamos a las Tromp-adas, hay una muy efectiva para darle al golpeador un buen sentón, y a la vez reducir el daño de las que vamos a recibir a corto plazo. Me refiero a la plata.
Hugo Salinas Price Interview, October 14, 2017, in Mexican TV Channel ADN40, speaking about his campaign to introduce the Libertad One Silver Ounce into circulation, as a vehicle for savings of the common folk.
Once again, I turn over in my mind the Chinese plan regarding their imported oil, which consists in convincing their oil suppliers to accept yuan in payment with an additional sweetener...
My article was criticized as a fantasy, because the critic could find no trace of any substantiation of the Chinese plan on the Internet. I confess my error in not providing references outlining the Chinese plan. I hereby correct my error...
It is quite impossible to predict at what relationship the production of oil and the availability of gold will stabilize. But when it does stabilize, we can predict with certainty that the price of gold denominated in Dollars, or in Yuan, will be very much higher
Perhaps the Chinese government sees the Yuan devaluation as favorable for China. I have no opinion on that matter. As for a huge devaluation of the Dollar against gold - I leave the consequences to your imagination. Will China actually carry through with this "Oil-for Yuan-for Gold" scheme?