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A Look Into the Military Mind
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Hugo Salinas Price
Documento sin título

History does not repeat, but certain patterns of events do recur in political life.

Of course, it is impossible to predict political events with any hope of accuracy. However, we can observe how societies of the past have dealt with the problem of maintaining order in public life. Perhaps we shall see that similar problems of the past, will turn out to be dealt with by similar measures, applied in the present.

Three cases of great social disorder in the past hundred years:

1. Italy. In the early 20th Century, Italy was plagued by groups of Communists who were raping the country at their pleasure. Groups of Communists terrorized the city governments of Italy and stole their (physical gold) money. Italy was helpless to defend itself against these outlaws. Enter the fascist Benito Mussolini, who organized his followers into paramilitary groups. They beat the crap out the Communists. Benito and his followers marched on Rome and took over the government of Italy. Order was restored. Italy rose from the ashes of bankruptcy to great industrial progress.

2. Germany. In the 1920's Germany had had a moral collapse due to its defeat in WW I, combined with the economic extortions exercised upon it by the victorious powers of Freedom and Civilization, led by the US and Britain, and the sexual degeneracy favored by the liberaloid government of the impotent Weimar Republic. (However, the degeneracy never fell to the level of degeneracy in the US of A at present.) Communists sent in by the USSR were having a field day in Germany. Enter the fascist Adolf Hitler, who organized his forces much like his counterpart Benito Mussolini. The Communists who thrived on all the disorder were routed out by Hitler. Hitler and his Party took over the German government. Order and decency were restored. Germany rose from the ashes of bankruptcy to great industrial progress.

3. Spain. In 1936 there was a political crisis in Spain. The Spanish had been ruled by a Constitutional Monarchy since 1874, and it proved ineffectual in governing Spain. A strong movement took the shape of a Republican Party, whose object was to install government more responsive to the people of Spain than the Constitutional Monarchy. However, the Republican Party was infiltrated and taken over by Communists who applied the techniques of the USSR's terrorists in "liquidating" - a more genteel word than "assassinating" - its opposition, after suitable torture had been applied to extract confessions of guilt regarding "crimes against the Proletariat".

Enter the fascist General Francisco Franco. Stationed in the Canary Islands, Franco moved to the mainland and led the Civil War against the Communists. The war was very bloody, with enormous loss of life on both sides. The US government was against Franco; so was that stooge Hemingway. Franco won, but two hundred years may pass, and The Left, the Party of Disorder, never, ever forgets or forgives.

The Communists had raided the vault of the Bank of Spain and carted off its gold to Barcelona; as Communist defeat approached, the gold was loaded onto a ship bound for the USSR. The gold never returned to Spain.

Franco gave the Spanish security, order, excellent education for the young, and economic growth. The Left cannot ever forgive General Francisco Franco for saving Spain from Communism. With regard to respect for property: in Franco's Spain, in 1955, if a tourist lost a camera somewhere in Madrid, it would surely turn up at a police station. Prosperity arrived for the Spanish. But with prosperity, the relaxation of rules. So today, Spain is once again in an ungodly liberaloid mess of permissiveness. Morality has sunk to unheard of levels.

* * * * *

This appears to be the pattern of events: 1. A numerically important segment of society accepts total permissiveness; any, and more or less all, behavior is tolerated and indeed, celebrated in its depravity. 2. The disorderly elements of libertinism chafe at the criticism that the more conservative elements begin to direct at their behavior. 3. Nobody loves a good fight more than the disorderly elements - whatever their code name, in whatever age they are present. So the "weirdos" begin to attack physically the conservative elements. 4. The police do not dare protect the conservatives. They are afraid of the degenerates and their political connections, which might get any policeman fired for "brutality". 5. The country tumbles further and further into social disruption and broken heads. 6. The stage is set for the arrival of a fascist leader.

Thus we see that the very presence of the US group denominated "Antifa" heralds the arrival of its nemesis, a fascist military leader.

I am looking past Mr. Trump, past his soon-to-be-successor Mr. Pence, at a moment when the US is overwhelmed with violence: "Left" against "Right".

Chaos reigns. Perhaps the stock market has collapsed, leaving millions of Americans penniless. State governors are helpless. The nation is gripped by panic and a reflection of panic is hatred: the Left wants blood! And perhaps the Right also craves bloodshed - fear does these things to people.

At that time, the Military will intervene. The concept which prevails in the Military Mind at all times in all ages is the concept of ORDER.

a) A Military "Junta" will enter the White House and the President will find himself transferred to other quarters and deprived of communication.

b) The Junta will name a leader and the Leader will address the Nation, informing the Nation that a National Emergency has forced a momentary suspension of the Constitution. (Note that the German word for "Leader" is "Fuhrer" - incidentally, a word which the Germans are ashamed to use, nowadays.)

c) Congress is adjourned for the duration of the Emergency.

d) The TV chains, as well as the newspaper chains and the news services are put under the control and supervision of the Military, who will determine what news is published and what interpretation is to be given to the news.

e) The top bankers and their Boards are removed from office, and military men take their place.

f) A group of military men are named to the Board of the Federal Reserve.

g) A military draft is established for young men.

h) After a short period, peace and quiet again prevails. Few people watch television as it has become very boring under government control.

i) What has passed unnoticed is the quiet emanating from the Left: all has become quiet on the Leftist front. Where are all the trouble-makers? Nobody knows, but with each passing day their absence becomes more noticeable. At last the truth begins to filter out: FEMA!

It turns out that the FEMA camps - which the conservatives always feared so much - now house the most radical, violent and noisy Leftists, by the thousands. Word of mouth circulates that people have been carried off at nighttime, picked off the streets or from their homes by military squads, and put to work in the FEMA camps. Those detained are the most violent, the craziest sexual freaks and all their professors in the Universities. A most terrible intellectual and moral purge is carried out relentlessly by the military government of the US.

j) Since the value of the dollar has completely collapsed, the military install a monetary reform; there is the precedent of Napoleon's reform of the collapsed French monetary system: he declared, "I shall pay in gold, or not pay at all."

The Treasury is instructed to receive absolutely all silver mined in the US, plus all silver in any form in private hands, and mint that silver into silver dollars, half-dollars, quarters and dimes, with the official silver content determined many years ago. The minted silver coinage is to be returned to the miners and to those who tendered their silver to the Treasury, free of minting costs. The recipients of coined silver may deposit their silver in the reformed banking system. The owners of the new silver money begin to spend and invest their silver. The economy begins to revive on real money. For lack of gold, the US will have returned to a silver standard. The purchasing power of silver would increase enormously. (From my American Grandfather Price's diary it is clear that in the 1920's he would go out of his way to avoid an expense of - one dime!)

In the midst of this black pit of pessimism, why not hope for an outstanding soldier? After all, there have been a few, like Napoleon, in the course of the ages.

* * * * *

Undoubtedly I shall be denounced as a "fascist pig". Military rule is actually Tyrannical Rule, and I certainly do not like it. What I have described is not what I like and favor, but what I see as a probable outcome, like it or not.

I have tried to illustrate the working of the Military Mind once it has displaced civilian rule. It seems to me that at least part of what I have mentioned will eventually take place, when the Military finally take over power in the US - an event that seems to me highly likely, given the social decomposition taking place in the US at this time: August 2017.

The Ancients described the political evolution of societies: from free Republics to Democracies; from Democracy, the prompt fall into Military Tyranny; from Military Tyranny to Kings and Emperors; from Kings and Emperors to Republics once again. And over and over again, the cycle repeats.

Total disorder in the US will mean that the Military assume power. The Military mind is centered on Order, and that is what it will impose upon the American people.

I have not considered the possibility that the US may enter into a war against Russia and China, for its consequences for the US are simply unthinkable.
