Friday, 27 September 2019
Hugo Salinas Price
The so-called Semmelweis reflex is a metaphor for a certain type of human behavior characterized by reflex-like rejection of new knowledge because it contradicts entrenched norms, beliefs, or paradigms.
Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Hugo Salinas Price
The monetization of the "Liberty" silver ounce - the realization of the magnificent, humanistic measure which was proposed by none other than the President of Mexico, Jose Lopez Portillo in 1981 - would bring with it numberless social benefits and historic consequences for Mexico, which we have mentioned in other places. However, there would be one consequence of exceptional importance: millions of Mexicans would be deeply grateful to the Mexican Congress
Wednesday, 10 July 2019
Hugo Salinas Price
Bitcoin is nothing more than a distraction, created to direct widespread public worry away from concern about the eventual collapse of the Dollar's value
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Hugo Salinas Price
If Donald J. Trump were a wise man, and not an ignoramus, he would know that the only path to a harmonious world, where all Trade is Balanced and there are no Trade Deficits possible, is a world working with gold as money
Monday, 1 July 2019
Hugo Salinas Price
The Central Banks all know that the prices of the precious metals are under strict control to prevent their rise to a true market value